úterý 5. března 2013

Big things comin'

It's fvcking 6:30AM and I'm STILL awake. I was trying to cheer myself up with a simple article about my current love but then it happened. I was so distracted by his handsomeness that I totally forgot about that article.

And then I realized that it's like first time ever for me to do research for my work xDD

(by research I mean de-frame 4 episodes of SPN and then drool over Gabe's perfection)

Yeah, next article is going to be a tribute to my favourite angel xD

I feel like I'm obsessed with him xD

I have to sleep now.

Don't mind me and don't read this crappy thing. I just wanted to express my feelings and it's highly possible that I'm going to delete this later.

And yeah, it was absolutely necessary to write it in English (even though I don't speak English at all)

EDIT 10/3: It was supposed to be tiny little article but now? There is not just one but three!! (Well, one of them is ff and it's only in my head..for now//probably forever)

3 komentáře:

  1. Proč napíšeš "nečti mě" až na konec? xD

  2. to byl proud myšlenek :D

  3. Přijde ti snad, že ten článek vypadá naprosto v pořádku? xD Nemůžeš se divit, že taková veledůležitá informace je až na konci xDD

    Abych pravdu řekla, já si ani nejsem plně vědoma toho, že bych to psala xD Jakože, vím, že jsem to psala, ale nevím přesně, co bylo obsahem xDD

    ..A dělá mi nějaký problém skládat české věty xD Myslím, že jsem přišla tak o 3/4 slovní zásoby xD
